Friday, February 5, 2016

DangAlarm! Ouch... and Calc Me Sum 2, Coming Soon

DangAlarm!  Ouch

I just found out my alarm clock is broken.  In at least three places.  Ouch.  I tested it a lot, but I think I fixed, then unfixed, then refixed, then completely broke it while fixing a bug I found at the end that I thought I really, really, really fixed.  Have to look into it this weekend and refix it right and upload a new, totally fixed APK.

Coming Soon:  Calc Me Sum 2

I'm getting ready to release an update to my calculator, Calc Me Sum.  The next version is going to probably be called Calc Me Sum 2.  The first version was a minimalist calculator that I thought would be fun to make colorful.  So far, I think my mom installed it... just to be nice.

In the interest of more bettering it up, I've added functionality to make it more scientific.  It now has trig functions - cos, sin, tan, as well as hyperbolic trig functions: cosh, sinh, and tanh, plus acosh, asinh, and atanh.  It also works with degrees and radians.  I've also added history that can be shared & copied to the clipboard, and it shows the last equation and the result in a field below the result field.  There are more math functions, like cube root, x cubed, ten raised to a power, e raised to a power, log, natural log.  Pretty much the basics for a scientific calculator.  I'm slowly growing into the UI for calculators so I can start branching out into experimental approaches to calculations and such.

I'm thinking of making a couple more changes before I upload it, but it should be up on Amazon and Google Play within a few hours or a few days.

I might add an interim version with some more features:  unit conversions, constants, a stack for more memory, a history and recall of equations.  I might ask a dollar or two for that version, but I'll have to see.  I'm not big on ads as a revenue model, but I don't like charging a bunch for programs until they're usable, and then, I don't want to charge that much because I think charging what the market will bear, as they say in marketing, ends up hyperinflating the cost of everything.  I don't want to get rich, but I really need to eat.

What comes next?

After Calc Me Sum 2 is released, I'm going to work on at least a programmable calculator, financial calculator, and/or a graphing calculator.  Though it'll probably be the programmable, since I have a programming language engine already written that I'm interested in making use of.  When that gets further along, I'll pre-announce it and give a time-frame for release.  I might put out a limited feature version fairly quickly to gauge interest, but I'll have to see how things come together.

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