Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Announcing: Updated Calc Me Sum 2c, More Math & Science = More Better

Announcing the next update to Calc Me Sum 2c, the scientific calculator in the Calc Me Sum series.  Calc Me Sum calculators were designed to bring form and function to calculation.

Calc Me Sum 2c is available for download on both the Google Play Store and the Amazon AppStore for Android.  The current version is free for download and ad-supported.  An ad-free version is coming soon.

The latest version of Calc Me Sum 2c adds the following features:
  • More memory
    • With 10 memory registers, you'll have more space to store frequently used values.
    • Calc Me Sum 2c adds a new memory selection key to make it easy to select the memory register to use.
    • The memory display shows the memory register in use, too.
  • Constants
    • A new dialog has been added with physics and math constants
      • Universal
      • Electromagnetic
      • Physico-chemical
    • The array of constants will grow to encompass and include as many as possible with each new release.
  • History
    • Can now view history within the app and then share, copy, and clear history from the same dialog.
  • Trigonometry functions
    • The hyp key now cycles through the standard and hyperbolic trigonometry functions:
      • sin, cos, tan
      • sinh, cosh, tanh
      • asin, acos, atan
      • asinh, acosh, atanh
  • The Modulo function has been added.
What will the next update include?
  • More Constants
  • Unit conversions
  • Parenthesis
  • Editable equations
  • History selection and editing
  • Even more memory.
  • More themes and colors.
  • And maybe a surprise feature or two...
Here are some screen shots of the latest feature additions:

History Dialog

Using Memory Register zero (0).
New Modulo (Mod) and Constants (Cnst) functions with standard trig functions.

Hyp state 2: sinh, cosh, tanh

Hyp state 3: asin, acos, atan

Hyp state 4: asinh, acosh, atanh

Memory Dialog with ten registers

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