Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Coming Soon: Update to Calc Me Sum 2c

I might rename Calc Me Sum, but I'll post it here if I do.  I'm definitely updating the graphics and the marketing material to see if it starts to attract some interest.

I have a small update to Calc Me Sum 2c ready to go.  The calculator displays the equation being entered now.  The delete key works to delete the previous character, number, or function.  It's all looking good and set up to add parenthesis in the next build.  Here's a picture:

I'll take a look at adding some more unit conversions and constants.  If they look like they'll be quick to add, I'll add them in and publish an update.  That way I can get back to scribbling out a design for the function editor in the programmable version of Calc Me Sum as I keep chunking in new features.

This is early, but I just started working on a real estate website I'd designed a few years ago.  It's early in the implementation phase, but it should come together pretty quickly.

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