Friday, February 12, 2016

Coming Soon: Update to Calc Me Sum 2c

Update 2/16/16, 1:35am:  Uploaded a new application apk to both Amazon and Google and will announce the new version when both sites send notice the new revision is accepted and live.  Then, I'll fix DangAlarm! and get busy on the next revision of Calc Me Sum 2c.  Have a couple more features to add before starting on the programmable calculator and specialized calculator apps for business, electrical engineering, and more.

Update, 2/15/16:  Ran out of energy last night.  Finishing the update today.

Update, 2/14/16:  Adding the last feature for this update which is the Constants dialog.  Once it's done and tested, I'll double-check everything and upload a revision.  I've added some images of the new features and layouts to the end of this article.  I might update the way scientific numbers are presented in this update, but only if it doesn't take much time.  My goal is to keep updates coming every few days as new features get added and I get a sense of how to grow the program to increase and improve functionality where possible.

Coming Soon (2/14/16): More Features and Functionality for Calc Me Sum 2c

In the interest of putting as much math and science in scientific calculation, I'll be releasing an update to Calc Me Sum 2c either tomorrow or Sunday.  Calc Me Sum 2c is the first scientific calculator in the Calc Me Sum series of calculators for Android.  The first update will include the following features:
  • Multiple memory registers - Instead of a single memory, there are now ten memory registers.
  • Consolidated trigonometry functions - I couldn't keep track of which trig function I needed and whether and when I had to have the hyp button pressed, so I changed the interface to put the function names on the buttons and make it possible to cycle through the four states with each press of the hyp button:
    • The hyp (hyperbolic) button toggles the sin, cos, and tan buttons:
      • sin, cos, tan
      • sinh, cosh, tanh
      • asin, acos, atan
      • asinh, acosh, atanh
  • Modulo function
  • History dialog - In addition to sharing and copying to the clipboard, now you can see your history in the application.  Contains the equations and the answers (see image below.)
  • Constants
    • Physics
    • Math
    • Chemistry
    • Electromagnetic
    • Solar System
    • Many more...
The revision to follow the first update will add conversion between units and an improved editing interface.  I'm going to see what I can do to make the history editable, too.

Watch this space for announcements or sign up for notifications or email updates and stay up to date on latest developments.

Here are some images of the new design and dialogs:

History Dialog

Using Memory Register zero (0).
New Modulo (Mod) and Constants (Cnst) functions with standard trig functions.

Hyp state 2: sinh, cosh, tanh

Hyp state 3: asin, acos, atan

Hyp state 4: asinh, acosh, atanh

Memory Dialog with ten registers

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