Thursday, March 24, 2016

Where does the time go?

Since my last update, I've gone into some R&D.  I've framed out a website that I'd build a prototype of years ago.  This time, it's production quality.  The first time, I was figuring things out.

I've also been working on an implementation of Common Lisp that I started early last year.  It's been fun to work on.  It's also been challenging as I'm really studying the language itself and the implementation details.  I'm pushing myself to find ways to alter Lisp.  If you've ever used Lisp, you'd know that's really not a big deal as the language lends itself to exploration.

One thing I've been working with the last few days has been interface creation.  I've been kicking around an idea to create an interface builder, but I don't know if it's real or imaginary.  It's also been fun to explore, but I might put it down for another time and get back to the website.  The website is a pretty solid idea and the interface builder is more of a pure R&D project.  The thing about R&D is they can eat up a lot of time and not really yield much for the effort.  Sometimes they can, but a lot of time they can resemble puzzles that need solving but aren't solved yet.

I'll be back with new product announcements soon.  One other project in the works involves training for programming.  Been considering putting together some videos to teach how to at minimum write Java code as well as build Android programs.

More soon...

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